Jewelers Block
Clarity And Creativity In Protecting Jewelry And Precious Metals
We understand the unique nature of the jewelry industry, so we offer innovative insurance products, unmatched level of expertise, financial stability, and global reach to protect your changing exposures. Whether you are a retailer, wholesaler, manufacturer, designer, or any combination, Berkley Asset Protection creates value with flexible coverage, responsive claims service, and unparalleled peace of mind.
Custom Coverages:
- USPS Registered Mail
- USPS Priority Mail Express
- Work and Operations Coverage
- Mysterious Disappearance
- Wearing of Jewelry
- Replacement Cost and Agreed Value
- Travel
- Worldwide Coverage
- Appraisal Liability
- No Claims Bonus

Areas of Expertise

- Retailers
- Designers
- Manufacturers
- Wholesalers
- Refiners
- Precious Metals
- Personal Jewelry Collections
- Watch Trade
Specific Competencies
- Empowered jewelers block underwriters
- Expansive product and market knowledge
- Industry-renowned claims services
- Customized loss consulting services
- Personalized customer service
- Global coverage